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How To Stop Your Overeating Behavior

Going crazy at the buffet or at a friend’s party for once in a while could be permissible, but if you’re keep on going back to that kind of behavior over and over, then you know you have an eating disorder and you definitely will gain excessive weight. Not only getting heavier, it will also expose you to various health risks, including some of the dangerous ones, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Overeating is actually an emotional eating, it’s affecting our mentality even worse if we tend to punish ourselves after doing it over guilty feelings. This is like a vicious cycle as we beat ourselves up it will affect our mood negatively, and when we are in a bad mood, we tend to look for comfort by eating.

However, there is a way for you to stop this unhealthy habit, just follow the following tips:

Ask yourself whether you’re hungry or not?

Whenever you feel like eating, just ask yourself, “am I really hungry?” this is probably the simplest thing to stop your unhealthy eating behavior, because actually most people today are not really accustomed to follow the hunger signals sent by the body. It’s very common that people misinterpret boredom and stress as hunger.

Real hunger is actually very easy to notice because you can feel the physical symptoms. Such as growling or rumbling in your stomach, low energy and shakiness, even difficulty in concentrating. So whenever you feel like eating but you’re not experiencing those physical symptoms, that means you’re not really hungry, probably you’re just bored. In this case you should be looking for ways to take your attention away from foods, for example getting a new hobby is quite an effective way to make you stop thinking about foods.

Get more sleep

Short sleep could have a powerful impact on your hunger signals. A recent study shows that adult people who only sleep less than 5 hours for 4 nights tend to over-snacking even up to 300 more calories in one sitting as compared to those who sleep more than 8 hours per night. According to the researchers, the reason for that kind of behavior is because sleep deprivation will stimulate the production of THC inside your body, which is the similar active ingredient that can be found in marijuana. This will resulting in craving for foods with high fat and sugar. Getting at least 7 hours of good sleep every night could keep your hunger in control.

Eat slowly

Busy life often makes you always do things in a hurry, including eating, if you’re continue doing it, eating in a rush will become a normal thing to you. However, just because it feels normal to you, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing harmful about it for your health. When you eat too fast, your brain won’t be able to catch up with your stomach, and that means your brain will not give a signal for you to stop eating at the right time. It’s likely that you will stop eating 20 minutes longer than you should. The solution is simple, just eat slower to give your brain enough time to figure out what’s going on.

If this dosen`t work you can try a good and natural weight loss supplement like CLA Safflower Oil. Feel free to follow us and read full review before you decide.

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