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Atkin’s Diet 2018 Review - USHealthJournal


The Mission:

To initiate weight loss

The Pledge:

Shed an incredible 15 pounds in a fortnight, and still enjoy some fatty foods in-between.

The philosophy

Our bodies are the most sophisticated engines on Planet Earth and all cells, sinews and organs have to work in unison and in perfect harmony, if we are to stay away from sickness and disease.

To run this integrated and state of the art machine we need “fuel” and that is produced with what we eat and consume during our lifetime, from the carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins etc.

Excessive intakes of carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose become too hot to handle by the body and whilst some of it are used, some flushed away but the rest ends up as fat all over our bodies.

Protein on the other hand is absorbed and stored with no possibility of accumulating as fat, in fact they are welcomed as they help build up muscles and strength. When carbohydrates are limited, fat that was stored previously is burned up to provide the “fuel” needed, which helps in shedding the pounds.

The Atkins Diet would help you to eat intelligently and by doing so ensure that you keep your body within acceptable weight limits and in very good condition.

What do people say of Atkins?

We are proud to be bestowed with some of the most satisfactory rankings in many forums where food is a main topic and how best to use them to enjoy a better and healthy lifestyle.

Ranked No.#5, in Best Fast Weight-Loss Diets, No:12 in Best Weight Loss Diets, No:#36 in Best Heart Healthy Diets and in numerous others providing us the impetus to strive to provide the best food advice to our readers who are spread far and wide across the world.

Get Atkins Diet work for you

Progressively taking you through a four stage regime the Atkins Diet program is very easy to follow which would allow you to eat a few carbohydrates and attain your desired weight.

It would be quite simple to refrain from high carbohydrate foods like sugar, potatoes etc but still it would be quite a task to keep away from all the rest out there because the temptation might to too strong to resist.

For example in the first phase you are allowed about 20 grams of carbohydrates from the selected list on the Atkins Diet program and added on by a range of about 12 to 15 vegetables which are rich in fiber.

During this first phase you can give way to a little temptation and still stick to those steaks that you love to devour when the taste buds titillate and the urge to eat persists.

Then there is the Atkins Diet 40 Plan which if followed diligently would shed around 40 pounds or less from those who are above the danger line and need to take complete stock of their health before disaster could strike.

The weight on your wallet

There would be a concern whether a much pricier food intake could lose weight in your body but add an additional weight on your wallet because fresh foods could be costlier than processed food stuff.

The intake of proteins too could bear a burden on your wallet because most of them bought fresh are very much more expensive than buying the mass produced and processed stuff.

To get the right advice it would be prudent to get yourself the “The New Atkins for a New You” which would be the best avenue to put your troubled thoughts at ease and also the other essential guide “New Atkins Made Easy”.

Will the pounds shed?

The Atkins Diet initiative has been studied in comparison with other low- carbohydrate diet programs and it has been found that this supersedes others at least n the first couple of weeks with good results.

Most of the weight loss in the initial stages of a diet program could be related to the loss of water in the body which would not be the most conducive to way to gauge the quantum of weight loss.

It is on the long term that a sustained weight loss program could be either deemed successful or not and that is where the Atkins Diet would score above the others.

  • The British Medical Journal in a comprehensive study conducted in 2006 recorded higher weight loss in the Atkins Diet during the first four weeks in comparison to other programs.

  • Another 2007 study which brought out statistics conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association with about 300 obese women divided into selected groups who were put on a Atkins Diet and other competitive diets.

The exercise was conducted over a period of 12 months and there was a progressive drop in weight of those women who were on the , and they went on to continue the program whereas others dropped out of their respective programs.

  • Another comprehensive study conducted in 2010 and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that, though a substantial loss in weight was recorded in the first six months to twelve months the decrease in weight was not very significant after that, in most diet programs.

These are just a few examples of the studies conducted by reputed institutions but numerous others have also concluded that there is a substantial weight loss when on an and that it is helpful n the long term.

There is also an advantage with the where t does not force a very strict regime n the food intake but treads a very different approach to all other diet programs where the drop rate is much lesser and success is persistent. For better results try CLA Safflower Oil with Atkins Diet.

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