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All you need to know about Healthy Weight in 2018

The average weight of individuals among any age group is increasing at a rapid pace. Most of the people are not even able to recognize when they cross the threshold of healthy weight and become overweight. This is one of the most dangerous things about being obese. Since you’re not able to exactly recognize that you way more, there is an increased risk that you might start suffering from obesity-related diseases without even knowing that you are overweight.

We would today go into the details of being overweight as well as health-related problems which you might suffer in such a case.

What are the health-related problems which you can suffer from when you’re overweight?

A lot of research has been done and it has been proven with evidence that people who are having at least 30 pounds more than they should, have a lower span of life. Also, it can be associated with a lot of lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes as well as high blood pressure. You need to keep in mind that once you are gaining weight, it would become very difficult for you to start losing weight once again.

On the other hand, once you are suffering from any of these diseases which are related to your lifestyle and weight, it becomes very difficult to treat those diseases completely. These diseases have a drastic impact on the choices and habits which you form as well. Thus, it would become even more difficult for you to quit those habits and live a healthy life once again.

We have today compiled a list of 3 different tips which you can follow in order to help you be more aware of your weight.

Knowing the BMI:

This is the least which you can do when you want to monitor your weight and ensure that you are not becoming overweight. You can calculate your BMI index online and you should know this number and recalculate it from time to time. Even though BMI is not 100% accurate but it would at least provide you with the basic link as to whether you are overweight or whether you’re having a healthy weight. Moreover, you should always keep the waist size in mind as well. If the waist size expands rapidly, even if the BMI does not say so but it indicates that you are going into the overweight category. Due to this very reason, you have to always monitor the BMI not only that but you have to monitor the waist size as well.

The weight which you gain be muscular or can be fat. If the waist size is increasing, it indicates that the weight which you are gaining is actually fat. In such a case, you have to be more careful than ever in order to reduce that weight significantly.

Avoid using the ideal weight as reference:

Even though, according to your height as well as body type you would be able to get the number of the ideal weight but it is very difficult for you to achieve the ideal weight. This is one of the main reasons why instead of using the ideal weight as a goal, you have to always ensure that you keep a goal which is 10% away from your current weight.

This is because when you are able to lose 10% weight; you would be able to fasten your metabolic activity as well which would automatically help you in burning more amount of calories and reducing the amount of fat which is deposited in the body. The ideal weight should only be considered once you are able to lose at least 10% of your weight. If it is set as the initial goal, it would be really demotivating and this would make it extremely difficult for you to continue with your weight loss journey.

Even when you consider most of the expert dietitians, they would not be directly using the ideal weight as the reference point. Only when you are able to decrease your weight by a certain amount, they would be using the reading of the ideal weight. This is one of the main reasons why you as well should not keep idealistic goals which are very difficult to achieve when it comes to weight loss.

Starting right now:

Instead of thinking that you are too late when it comes to weight loss, you have to start right now. This would ensure that you are able to get on your weight loss journey and are able to avoid lifestyle as well as obesity-related diseases. You need to also understand that if you would be able to lose weight, you would be able to gain stability as well as equilibrium. This would ensure that you are able to gain proper physical health as well.

On the other hand, this would improve your bone health, as well as the pressure on the bones, would decrease drastically. This is another reason why you should start right away. The more the period of time for which there is extended pressure on your bones, the greater would be the deterioration of your health. Due to this very reason, it is always important for you to start as soon as possible. Instead of thinking that it would have been better if you would have started some time back, you have to start right away in order to reduce the pressure on your bones.

Thus, if you really want to remain healthy, it is important for you to know the difference between being in the healthy weight category and being overweight. When you are able to know this difference, it would automatically become much easier for you to take care of your health and also at the same point of time ensure that you are able to start exercising soon enough as well so that you can avoid the diseases which are related to obesity as well as other problems which can be initiated due to excessive weight.

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