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5 Effective Ways to Lose Weight

There is a famous saying “Life is like a race and you have to run fast to win this race.” But this Race has badly impacted our daily life and our routine is not same as before. To win this race we have compromised many things from sleep to healthy food and may other things. This has badly impacted our health and one of its biggest or in the other words, the worst impact is Increase in Weight which ultimately results in Obesity.

This Overweight and Obesity combines to give an increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes, increase in blood pressure and other deadly diseases. India ranks 5th in the world in Obesity Index and has around 9.8 million obese men. It is the need of the hour to take this issue seriously so that our future generations are least affected by this problem.

The problem of Increase in Weight and Obesity can be easily solved if we bring small changes in our day to day life. Some of these changes can also prove to be life to change for you.

1. Making Workout Part of Your Life:

In today’s fast life know the body has the time to dedicatedly donate one hour to Workout but the better approach is to make something your workout you already do like: going office by walking or by Cycling, walking to the local market for purchasing groceries instead of going with Motorcycle or Car. This will save your precious time and will surely so result if done regularly.

2. Taking a Resolution

We all take resolutions and forget them but if you are really serious about losing weight then you should surely follow it. You have to take a resolution to decrease Calories in your food or to daily do 2 hours of exercise or anything else which helps you to lose weight. Calories are the biggest reason for weight increase and you have to fight against them as a warrior. You have to adopt all or nothing approach in your life and should seriously follow it to see the positive result.

3. Find a Motivation:

You always need a motivation to do anything. You should read the diet chart or routine of some people who ones faced this problem but now are completely fit. You should set these people as your ideal and try to adapt their daily routine put as much effort as you can to solve this problem and one day you will surely achieve your target.

4. Cut down Sugar and Starch Consumption:

These are the foods which result in largest secretion of Insulin which is the main hormone which results in fat storage in the body. Lowering down the level of Insulin not only burns fat but also helps to shed down excess sodium from the body which results in weight loss. Cutting your Carbs and lowering your Insulin will help you to automatically eat fewer calories, kill your appetite and that too without hunger. It is a proven solution and people have even lost up to 10 pounds in just a week by eating this way.

5. Eating Protein:

Including these things in your daily diet will automatically bring your Carbs level down. Protein sources like Omega-3 egg, Salmon fish, Chicken etc. are really good for health and it also boost’s your metabolism. They are recommended to gain nutrients and lose weight.

Or you can use a natural fat burner like CLA Safflower Oil or Turmeric Froskolin. For better results use one of the two supplements with a healthy diet and exercises.

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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